Bando di concorso per l’attribuzione di contributi per sussidi straordinari a.a. 2024/25 - proroga termine di scadenza
E.R.S.U. di Cagliari ha approvato una proroga al termine di presentazione delle domande per gli studenti in possesso dei requisiti previsti dall’art 4 del bando.
Pubblicazione Bando di concorso per l’attribuzione di contributi per “fitto – casa” a.a. 2024/25
Si rende noto che, con determinazione n. 38 del 31 gennaio 2025 del Direttore del Servizio Amministrativo dell’E.R.S.U. di Cagliari, è stato approvato il bando di concorso per l’assegnazione di contributi per il “Fitto Casa” per l’A.A. 2024/25.
Publication of Notice of competition for the allocation of Special grants a.y. 2024/2025
Interested parties are hereby informed that on 20 January 2025 the ERSU of Cagliari approved the call for applications for the award of extraordinary grants for the A.Y. 2024/2025 to students who are in a state of serious and documented hardship, which could jeopardise the continuation of their studies.
Information on payment authorisation acts - December 2024
Notice is hereby given that payment warrants have been issued for the Rent allowance a.y. 2023/24 to students who have submitted the documentation required by 7 November 2024 and for the First tranche of the grant a.y. 2024/25 to beneficiary students regularly enrolled in the first year and in years following the first.
Opening of the Via Premuda canteen
Dear students, ERSU CAGLIARI is pleased to inform you that as of 3 December the canteen in Via Premuda reopened in its new form, ready to welcome you in a modern, renovated environment.
Publication of parametric rankings for accommodation reallocation Academic year 2024/2025
Interested students are hereby informed that on 15/11/2024 the general parametric ranking list for the reassignment of accommodation places for the A.Y. 2024/25 was published on the ERSU website, relating to eligible students who are not beneficiaries in the final ranking and who have confirmed their interest in accommodation by 14/11/2024.
Notice of submission of self-certification for confirmation of off-campus status a.y. 2024/2025
the procedure for filling in the self-certification of off-campus status from one's reserved area of the Student Portal, provided for in the notice of competition for the allocation of scholarships and accommodation for A.Y.2024/25 is active.
Carta Giovani Sardegna, an opportunity for university students
The Ersu of Cagliari is pleased to inform that the personalised Carta Giovani Sardegna Ersu and University of Cagliari has been activated, following the Convention stipulated between the organisation and Eurodesk Italy and under the patronage of the University of Cagliari.