The ISEE is the Indicator of the Equivalent Economic Situation of a household. It is a fiscal instrument that represents the economic situation of a household and is used to access subsidised social benefits. In simple terms, it is a document that lists a household's income and assets in a given year.

In order to access ERSU Cagliari benefits, the ISEE must be categorized as 'university', i.e., it must explicitly state the phrase “Applies to benefits for the right to university study” in connection with the applicant seeking the benefit.


For both Italian and international students permanently residing in Italy, the ISEE is calculated directly on the INPS (National Social Insurance Agency) website or at a CAF (Tax Assistance Centre).

The ISEE for international students and for Italian students not resident in Italy is known as ISEE PARIFICATO and must be requested from the CAFs affiliated with ERSU Cagliari.


ISEE parificato is a parameter used to calculate the economic situation of students who cannot present a ‘university’ ISEE and, specifically:

  • International students who do not reside in Italy;
  • Italian students who do not reside in Italy;
  • International students residing in Italy who are not financially independent from their household.

The value of the ‘ISEE parificato’ is expressed in euros.


To get your ‘ISEE parificato’, you will have to contact one of the affiliated CAFs.

    Viale Sant’Avendrace n. 122/124, Cagliari
    +39 070 2050361
    This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
  • The CGN CAF
    via San Giovanni n.1, Cagliari
    +39 070 653113
    email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.;
  • The CGN CAF
    via Puccini n.2, Cagliari
    +39 070 44093
    email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.;
  • The CGN CAF
    via Pergolesi n.72, Cagliari
    +39 070 498474
    email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.;
  • The CGN CAF
    via Principe di Carignano, 10, Cagliari
    +39 070 4596757
    email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.;
  • The CGN CAF
    via Monte Sabotino, 69, Cagliari
    +39 070 4631928
    email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.;
  • The CGN CAF
    via Famagosta, 37, Cagliari
    +39 070 503272
    email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.;
  • The CGN CAF
    via Silvio Mastio, 4, Cagliari
    +39 070 572413
    email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.;
  • The CGN CAF
    via Pietro Martini, 4 – Tel. +39 03926824489
    email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.;

The service is free of charge for applicants for benefits provided by ERSU Cagliari.

It is always best to contact the CAF in advance to arrange an appointment and request information.

Warning! Carefully follow the instructions provided by the CAF on the documentation related to income and assets, both within Italy and abroad, for every member of your household.

In general, documentation produced abroad should be:

  • Issued by the competent authorities of the country where the income was generated;
  • Translated into Italian by the competent Italian diplomatic authorities.

The list of documents to be submitted to the CAF for the calculation of the ISEE parificato is attached and can be downloaded at the bottom of this page.


Students recognised as stateless persons and political refugees are not required to submit any documentation relating to their country of origin.

Their economic situation will only be assessed based on income and assets held in Italy.


Even if you no longer live with your parents, for ISEE purposes, you will still be part of their household unless you can prove that you meet BOTH of the following requirements on the date you submit your DSU:

  • Living independently outside the family home for a minimum of two years prior to the date of submission of the DSU, in accommodation not owned by any family member;
  • Personal income of no less than €9,000 per year from employment or employment equivalent, declared for a period of at least two years.

If both requirements are not met, you must submit an ISEE together with your household.

In some special cases, you can still present the ISEE as an independent student, even if you do not meet the requirements described above:

  • Financial and emotional estrangement from a parent ascertained by the competent authorities. In this case, in order to be considered independent, you will have to produce documents issued by the judicial authority or social services attesting to the estrangement or abandonment by the parent.
  • If you have lost both parents
  • If you are in a situation of ‘registered cohabitation’.

According to the law, registered cohabitation means you live stably in a religious institution, welfare or care institutions, barracks, or detention facilities. For ISEE purposes, unmarried persons living in a registered cohabitation situation are considered an independent family unit. Married persons living in a registered cohabitation situation are part of their spouse's family unit.


If significant events in 2023 seriously impacted your household's income jeopardising your ability to pursue or continue a course of study, you can request the ‘ISEE corrente’ certificate from INPS or a CAF. This certificate enables you to update your household's economic situation, considering information from the last 12 months, unlike the ordinary ISEE, which typically looks at the two preceding years.

For all information on the ‘ISEE corrente’, please consult the dedicated page of the INPS website or contact your local CAF.


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