To be remembered

  • Publication date: 18.07.2024
  • Deadline: 02.09.24, 13.00

Notice of Competition

Provisional rankings

Pubblicazione: 13.09.2024

Final rankings

Pubblicazione: 07.10.2024

Pubblicazione: 29.10.2024

Pubblicazione: 15.11.2024


pdf-2308 Guida alla compilazione della domanda 2024/2025
vers. 18.07.2024 HOT


The project is funded by the European Union, under the PNRR - Next Generation EU initiative, investment 1.7 ‘Scholarships for access to university’ of mission 4 component 1.
Scholarships for the academic year 2024/25 will be eligible for support from the ‘PR Sardinia ESF+ 2021-2027’, Priority 2 ‘Education, training and skills’ - Specific objective ESO4.6 f) - Field of intervention 150 Support for tertiary education for the intervention ‘Scholarships and support actions in favour of able and deserving students without means and promotion of merit among students, including students with disabilities’.


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