Students enrolled for A.Y. 2024/25 in the first year of the course of study in Naval Engineering based in Olbia, activated by the University of Cagliari, are informed that the activation of accommodation and canteen services has been started in favor of those enrolled in the new course of Naval Engineering recently activated in the City of Olbia.

Students enrolled for the A.Y. 2024/25 in the first year of the course of study in Naval Engineering based in Olbia, activated by the University of Cagliari, are informed that by resolution of the Board of Directors of the ERSU of Cagliari No. 37 of 10/10/2024, the activation of accommodation and canteen services in favor of UNICA students of the new course of Naval Engineering recently activated in the City of Olbia has been started.

Therefore, a selection is announced for the assignment of 10 accommodation places for the current academic year at the public residential facility “Geovillage,” Via Stazzu Canu, 13, Olbia, owned by the Consorzio Industriale Provinciale Nord Est (CIPNES) Gallura.

Expressions of interest in the allocation of housing places in the aforementioned facility must be submitted via PEC (Certified e-mail) to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. by 28/10/2024 by filling out the appropriate form published on the Authority's website along with this notice.

In the allocation of places, priority will be given to students with off-campus status who are eligible in the provisional rankings, academic year 2024/2025, for the allocation of benefits approved by the ERSU of Cagliari and published on 13/09/2024, with reference to the allocation of the scholarship.

The assignees will be contacted by the Housing Office to sign the deed of acceptance of the bed.

Eng. Pierpaolo Furcas

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