Interested students are hereby informed that on 13.09.2024 the provisional rankings for the allocation of scholarships and accommodation for the academic year 2024/25 were published on the E.R.S.U. website

Interested students are hereby informed that on 13.09.2024 the provisional rankings for the allocation of scholarships and accommodation for the academic year 2024/25 were published on the E.R.S.U. website

The rankings contain the indication IDONEO/NON IDONEO, or IDONEO with outcome SUSPENDED, and are divided, for those enrolled in the first year, between first, second and third year students, while the rankings for those enrolled in years subsequent to the first year are ordered by degree course and career year.

It should be noted that the publication of the aforementioned rankings on the Institution's website has been arranged in compliance with resolution no. 468 adopted by the National Anti-Corruption Authority on 16 June 2021, published on 24/06/2021, concerning ‘Obligations to publish the acts of granting subsidies, contributions, subsidies and attribution of economic benefits to individuals and public and private entities (Articles 26 and 27 of Legislative Decree no. 33/2013)‘, and EU Regulation no. 679/2016 (GDPR), and therefore the aforementioned rankings do not indicate the names of the interested parties, who are identified through the “Student Code”, and do not contain an indication of the ISEE and the students’ merit, as well as the reason for any exclusion.

In the student's reserved area, with access from the Student Portal, next to the surname and first name of the interested party, the Student Code is indicated, which is used to identify students in the rankings published on the Institution's website.

The rankings of students with disabilities are not made public.

All interested parties may view their individual ranking position, with their merit and income data, and the reason for any exclusion or suspension, by accessing the ‘ESITO GRADUATORIE’ section in their reserved area on the Student Portal.

Please note that, according to the terms of the notice, students applying for benefits are required to verify the accuracy of the information contained in the provisional rankings, with particular regard to:

  • personal data;
  • career data, with reference to the year of enrolment and the year of course determined by the career years in relation to the first absolute enrolment at the current degree level, pursuant to art. 4 of the notice of competition;
  • course of study, for the purpose of exact inclusion in the ranking for those enrolled in years subsequent to the first;
  • merit data, exam marks and weighted average;
  • status of on-site, commuter or off-site student, attributed on the basis of the municipality of residence and the declaration made when completing the application form in relation to the intention to have paid accommodation at the seat of the course of study;
  • income data acquired from INPS, or calculated by the agreed CAF on the basis of certificates issued by the competent authorities produced by students with income abroad;

Please note that students who are eligible, but with the result ‘SUSPENDED’, must consult their reserved area to check whether the result is suspended due to ‘ISEE with omissions/differences’ or ‘Ordinary ISEE’. In such cases, in order to be admitted to the final ranking, the interested parties will have to take steps as soon as possible to request an ISEE certificate that complies with the provisions of the call for applications (ISEE for the right to study, and without annotations), subject to the submission of a DSU for the issue of ISEE 2024 by the deadline of the call for applications (2 September 2024).

ERSU will acquire the data directly from the INPS database by 1 October 2024..

If, on the other hand, the new ISEE certificate also contains annotations regarding omissions/diformalities detected by the Revenue Agency, and the student believes that the DSU presented is correct, he/she must present a request for re-examination and produce, together with the aforementioned ISEE certificate, the Dichiarazione Sostituiva Unica that generated the different ISEE, and attach suitable supplementary documentation to allow the Office to assess the completeness and truthfulness of the declaration in relation to the income elements that produced the discrepancy.

Interested parties may submit any requests for reconsideration in relation to the results of the aforementioned rankings, for the correction of the data entered in the application for benefits in the cases provided for by article 15.2 of the competition notice, exclusively by filling in the appropriate format available in the reserved area of the Student Portal, with access from the ‘ESITO GRADUATORIE’ section and selecting the relative provisional ranking(s) (allocation of accommodation and/or study grant), clicking on the ‘PRESENTA ISTANZA DI RIESAME’ button.

Requests for re-examination submitted using methods other than those described above will not be accepted..

The deadline for sending the aforementioned re-examination requests against the provisional rankings is set by the notice for 13:00 on 23 September 2024.

It should be noted that for each ranking (allocation of accommodation and allocation of study grant) it is possible to submit only one re-examination petition, which must indicate in detail and specifically all the data to be corrected, on the basis of documents with a certain date prior to the deadline for submitting the application, which must be attached to the petition.

Interested parties will be able to verify the completion of the online procedure for the presentation of the request for re-examination by viewing the completed request in the above-described section of the Student Portal, which will contain an indication of the date and time of its submission.

The outcome of the re-examination requests may be verified in the final rankings that will be published within the deadlines set out in the competition notice.

In compliance with the regulatory provisions on the protection of confidentiality, the complete rankings, with the merit data and income indicators, will be made available only following the presentation of a formal and motivated request for access to the records, pursuant to art. 22 of Law no. 241/1990, after notification of the parties concerned. The request for access must be submitted by PEC, addressed to the General Management and to the Legal Affairs and General Services Office of ERSU of Cagliari.

Cagliari, 13 settembre 2024

Il Direttore ad interim del Servizio Amministrativo Ing. Raffele Sundas

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