Please note that the period of use of the accommodation place ends on 31 July 2024, therefore it is necessary to leave the facility on 1 August by 10 a.m.

Please note that the period of use of the accommodation place ends on 31 July 2024, therefore it is necessary to leave the facility on 1 August by 10 a.m.

Please note that:

  • on the basis of Art. 5 of the Accommodation Regulations, the student, when giving up the place, must ensure that the room is completely cleared of personal belongings and that it is thoroughly cleaned (including the fridge), failing which the expenses for carrying out the cleaning will be charged;
  • All students who decide to return in September must notify the concierge upon departure.

For students returning in September, luggage of a weight not exceeding 20 kg is allowed during the period of absence. (Art.11 Regulations), a label indicating Name, Surname and room number must be affixed to the luggage.

We would also like to inform you that the Accommodation Office will make arrangements for double rooms.

The re-opening of the student halls of residence is set for Monday 2 September from 9.00 a.m.

Anyone who is unable to take possession by 5 September must notify the decision to the Accommodation Office by email, on pain of forfeiture of the benefit.

Cagliari, 22 luglio 2024 IL DIRETTORE DEL SERVIZIO
Ing. Sergio De Benedictis il Responsabile dell’Ufficio Alloggi: MM


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