Interested parties are hereby informed that on 18 July 2024 the notice of competition for the allocation of scholarships and accommodation places for A.Y. 2024/25 was published on the website
Interested parties are hereby informed that on 18 July 2024 the notice of competition for the allocation of scholarships and accommodation places for A.Y. 2024/25 was published on the website
The application procedure for the competition will be active from 18 July 2024 and until 1:00 p.m. on 2 September 2024 on the ‘Student Portal’, with access via the appropriate link on the home page of the website
Please note that in order to access the Student Portal
- students must possess SPID credentials (at least level 2) or the Electronic Identity Card (CIE);
Until further notice, students may carry out the accreditation procedure on the Portal, without the use of SPID or CIE credentials, who, on the date of submission of the application:
- are minors
- are not Italian citizens and are not in possession of a valid Italian identity document.
Interested parties are invited to carefully read the notice and to respect the deadline for the submission of the online application, set for 2 September 2024, 1pm. Failure to meet the deadline will result in non-admission to the competition.
For instructions on how to fill in the application, please consult the ‘Guide to filling in the form’ available on the Institution's website. Students who intend to participate in the competition must take steps as soon as possible to request the calculation of the ISEE 2023, which must contain the wording ‘Applies to subsidised benefits for the right to university study’, and must not bear any annotations from the Agenzia delle Entrate relating to omissions/diformalities. When filling out the application form, the protocol number of the ISEE 2024 certificate, or the date of submission of the Dichiarazione Sostitutiva Unica (if the required ISEE certificate has not yet been issued close to the deadline of the call for applications) must be entered, to allow ERSU to acquire the ISEE data by accessing the INPS database.
Students intending to enrol in the first year of the courses envisaged in art. 1 of the call for applications may apply even if not yet enrolled.
For information and clarification on the competition notice, interested parties may contact the Right to Study Office by calling 070 66206405 - 66206406 on the following days and times
- Monday to Friday from 9.30 a.m. to 12.30 p.m.
- Tuesdays also from 3 p.m. to 5 p.m.
Interested parties may also, by accessing their Reserved Area of the Student Portal
- submit requests for information to the Right to Study Office through the ‘ticket’ service and view the operators' reply. A ‘Ticket’ is understood to be a request for assistance and/or the communication to ERSU of additional information, tracked by the appropriate computer system.
- request an appointment, which can be booked according to the calendar defined by the operators, with the possibility of choosing the appointment management method from among those proposed by the Office.
The project is funded by the European Union, under the PNRR - Next Generation EU initiative, investment 1.7 ‘Scholarships for access to university’ of mission 4 component 1.
Scholarships for the academic year 2024/25 will be eligible for support from the ‘PR Sardinia ESF+ 2021-2027’, Priority 2 ‘Education, training and skills’ - Specific objective ESO4.6 f) - Field of intervention 150 Support for tertiary education for the intervention ‘Scholarships and support actions in favour of able and deserving students without means and promotion of merit among students, including students with disabilities’.
Cagliari, 18 luglio 2024
allocation of scholarships and
accommodation places, Academic Year 2024/2025