Interested parties are hereby informed that on 20 January 2025 the ERSU of Cagliari approved the call for applications for the award of extraordinary grants for the A.Y. 2024/2025 to students who are in a state of serious and documented hardship, which could jeopardise the continuation of their studies.

Interested parties are hereby informed that on 20 January 2025 the ERSU of Cagliari approved the call for applications for the award of extraordinary grants for the A.Y. 2024/2025 to students who are in a state of serious and documented hardship, which could jeopardise the continuation of their studies.

The aforementioned call for applications may be consulted on the Cagliari E.R.S.U. website, from the page: Bando di concorso per sussidi straordinari a.a. 2024/2025

As regards the submission of applications, the notice provides for the following procedures and deadlines:

  • Students without the support of the family unit as they fall under the cases provided for in Article 4 bis of the aforementioned notice, may submit an application, on a specially prepared form, to be sent via PEC to the address This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., from the date of publication of the notice until 31/05/2025;
  • Other students, who meet the requirements set out in art. 4 of the notice, must fill in and send their application online from 3 February 2025 and by 13:00 on 20 March 2025, by accessing the ‘Student Portal’ from the website

To access their reserved area of the Student Portal, students must have SPID credentials (at least level 2) or Electronic Identity Card (CIE).

Until further notice, students may carry out the accreditation procedure on the Portal, without the use of SPID or CIE credentials, if, on the date of access to the Portal:

  • are minors;
  • are not Italian citizens and are not in possession of a valid Italian identity document.

The application must be sent exclusively by the methods and within the deadlines set out in the competition notice, accompanied by the required documentation, under penalty of inadmissibility.

The structure responsible for the administrative procedure is the Right to Study Office. The person responsible for the procedure is Mr Puddu Michele - Ufficio Diritto allo Studio, tel. 070/66206367.

For information and clarification on the competition notice, interested parties may contact the Right to Study Office by calling 070 66206405 - 66206406 on the following days and times:

  • Monday to Friday, from 9.30 a.m. to 12.30 p.m.
  • Tuesdays also from 3 p.m. to 5 p.m.

It will also be possible, by accessing the Student Portal, to submit requests for information and clarifications to the Right to Study Office through the ‘ticket’ service active on the aforementioned Portal, and to view the operators' response to the ticket sent, or to book an appointment, according to the calendar defined by the operators.

Cagliari, 22 January 2025


The Head of the Office for the Right to Study – Dott.ssa Maria Grazia Medda


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