Sponsorship is a symbolic form of support from ERSU Cagliari of initiatives promoted within the territory or other areas by both public and private entities. These initiatives are designed for university students or open to them, recognized as valuable for their social, cultural, scientific, and sporting objectives, and are aligned with ERSU’s institutional goals and missions.

The following are assessed for the purposes of granting sponsorship:

  • Conventions, congresses, conferences, and seminars
  • Study and research initiatives
  • Cultural, sporting, educational, scientific and social events and activities

The following are eligible for sponsorship:

  • Public entities
  • Private entities, including committees formed by students of the University of Cagliari
  • Individual private entities

For all other information, please refer to the attached Regulation.

To request sponsorship, applicants are required to complete and sign the form below, and submit it along with the necessary documentation to the Directorate General at the certified email address: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

For information:

Public Relations Office (URP)

Chiara Pinna Spada

Phone: +39 070/66206465

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

FileFile size
Download this file (RegPatrocinio2023.pdf)Regulation186 kB
Download this file (ModPatrocinio2023.pdf)Form178 kB
Download this file (Informativaprivacy.pdf)Privacy policy197 kB


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